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As obvious from the name, a combination of electrical, electronics and mechanical engineering, requires professionals with the extensive and extended experience to be able to plan, select, develop, design, and implement electromechanical systems.

In the Oil and Gas industry automation, control and safety are achieved by installing various electro-mechanical systems like control valves, motorised valves, safety valves, pressure relief valves, gauges and traps. 

Makco has also delivered various projects in the water industry where pump stations, turn out headworks, control structures and regulating tanks have been constructed where various electro-mechanical systems were designed and implemented.


One of the earliest projects included Earthworks, the lining of canals and concrete works for dams and irrigation channels under the Indus Basin Treaty. 


Various projects where electro-mechanical systems were installed are given below

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  1. Potable water tanks at Amal, Ghani, and Jofra
  2. Pump station at GOE Plant, Jofra
  3. Heavy Equipment Workshop at Ghani.
  4. Maintenance Workshop at Samah
  5. Water Treatment Plants or various organisations like Tripoli Medical Treatment Centre, Eye Hospital, Mahari Hotel, Dat-ul-Imad Business Towers and Mamoora Food Factory

Click here to see the projects under execution